The Morrison Government has announced a federal anti-corruption commission after years of opposing the idea, even in the face of overwhelming public pressure.
The ACTU is concerned that model announced by the Prime Minister is critically deficient and won’t address corruption. It will not hold public hearings, issue reports, make findings against individuals or have the power to examine historical issues, all of which will hobble the ability of the commission to meaningfully pursue and address corruption.
In May this year, Christian Porter, who today announced the establishment of the commission, stated that it was unnecessary, because there was no “persuasive evidence” that current methods of tackling corruption are insufficient.
As with the Banking Royal Commission, the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison Government has been forced to adopt a much-needed reform with massive public support only when their political position became untenable.
Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus:
“It’s concerning that Scott Morrison has proposed a body that lacks the crucial elements and powers of effective anti-corruption commissions around the country.
“This is a cynical political move by a government that doesn’t believe in anything other than giving money to employers and hanging onto power for themselves.
“A federal ICAC has long been an obvious hole in out anti-corruption framework, but it has taken years of pressure for this Government to finally listen to the public and act in the best interest of the country rather than protecting their own.”