Low-paid workers will tomorrow morning confront leaders of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) at their offices, asking them to support a $26.60 pay rise in the annual Minimum Wages Case.

The delegation of low-paid cleaners, hospitality and child care workers will
present their payslips to ACCI leaders, and ask them to suggest ways of making
their wages go further.

ACCI is set to announce its position on the Union claim for $26.60 a week for
low-paid workers tomorrow morning — a claim ACCI has already denounced as
‘completely unbalanced’.

Top execs get massive pay increases but say low-paid
should get nothing

” Last year ACCI said low-paid workers should get nothing. Meanwhile, the top
50 CEOs in Australia were getting pay increases of $400,000-$500,000 a year on
top of their multi-million dollar salaries.

” That’s an increase of over $8,000 a week and these employers want to deny
low-paid workers just $26 a week more.

” We want ACCI to tell us how low-paid workers can make $450 a week stretch
further,” Brian Daley,LHMU Victoria said.

Cleaners work for 3rd world wages in Melbourne

Martha Olivera is a 38 year-old cleaner with 2 children, from Altona Meadows.
Ms. Olivera is an LHMU member who works full-time and earns $480 per week.

” Working full-time in Melbourne, you cannot get by on less than $550 per
week. That’s what we need to make people understand. We’re working for Third
World wages in this city, ” Ms. Olivera said.

Child care workers can’t afford to stay in the

Michelle Walker is a 32 year-old child care centre director and LHMU member
from St. Albans. She has 1 child, and is expecting a second.

Ms. Walker represents thousands of child care workers on poverty wages.

” Child care workers make as little as $455 a week. They are expected to look
after other people’s children for this money but they can hardly afford to look
after their own.

” I see so many child care workers leaving the industry because they can’t
afford to stay in it. We need a fair living wage for child care workers in this
country, ” Ms. Walker said.