The CPSU is establishing a national education team with positions available in Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane.
Our plan for growth is dependent upon the education and development of members. The Organiser (Educator) has a key role in imparting knowledge and skills and in fostering the commitment necessary to build the union in the workplace.
We are seeking enthusiastic individuals with experience in organising and/or adult education that are able to train and motivate others.
The successful applicants will need to be able to: –
The jobs will involve some travel and occasional out-of-hours training.
The CPSU is committed to supporting the professional development of its staff and opportunities for rotation and advancement within the CPSU are available.
Salary is in the range of $48,598 to $55,938 with 13% superannuation and a range of family friendly conditions.
Applications marked ‘confidential’ should be sent to
Nell Rollinson,
191-199 Thomas Street
Sydney 2000
Further information about the CPSU and these jobs can be obtained from Louise Persse – A/g Director of Membership Education on 03 86206314.
Applications close Monday 14 October 2002.