LHMU Tasmania Child Care Union is holding an all day forum on childcare issues in July.
” We want members and supports to take an active voice in the campaign to
promote quality child care standards in this State,” David O’Byrne, LHMU
Tasmania Child Care Union Secretary said.
The all-day conference, at the University of Tasmania, will discuss issues
such as funding, retention rates and the importance of the Victorian and ACT
child care pay decision for Tasmanian LHMU Child Care Union members.
The conference will be held on Saturday July 2, 2005, starting at 9am
with the Tasmanian Minister for Education and Minister for Women, The Hon Paula
Wreidt, giving a major speech.
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and pass it around.
Help us to get lots of people at your workplace to attend the meeting.
form for the July 2 Child Care Union Forum – mail or fax it back
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Child Care Union Forum (pdf File) [ Get a player/reader for this file here ]