
The ACTU welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to this Inquiry.

The work environment has a significant impact on the mental and physical health of the Australian population. Job and financial security are crucial for positive mental health outcomes, and conversely poor quality, insecure work promotes poor mental health.[1] Therefore, workplace laws that promote safe, fair and secure working conditions are likely to protect and enhance the mental health of Australian workers and their families. The ACTU encourages the Productivity Commission to carefully examine the impact of changing work arrangements and ineffective, inadequate workplace regulation on workers’ mental health.

This submission comments on the mental health system more broadly, and then focusses in on mental health at work, including the mental health workforce, the workplace health and safety and workers’ compensation frameworks, workplace rights for parents and carers, and the VET and apprenticeship system.

We would be happy to provide further information on request.


[1] See for example: Australian Psychological Society (2000). The psychology of work and unemployment in Australia today: an Australian Psychological Society Discussion Paper. Melbourne, Australia: APS.