In 2018 global economic and political uncertainty will most likely intensify – in particular the international trading system is a concern. In these tense and turbulent times Australia needs to rely more on our own communities, businesses and diverse population to provide economic security and good quality jobs. Our Government needs to support local endeavour with action not just empty words. This means a real plan. A plan which boosts investment in infrastructure, provides incentives for research and development, fosters growth sectors, supports export opportunities, improves the quality of jobs through better wages and conditions and makes our health, education and community services world class.
Public investments in these areas should have been implemented much earlier when it was evident the resources boom was not going to last forever and new domestic engines of economic growth were required. The Abbott-Turnbull Government talked about growth and jobs, but have done absolutely nothing to protect our economy and our people.
The ACTU and its affiliates urge the Turnbull Government to reject the worn out ideology of trickledown economics and set a new direction, one that addresses rising inequality and delivers higher living standards for low and middle income Australians.