International Campaigns & Issues

As the peak union body for Australia, the ACTU participates in a range of international forums on behalf of unions and Australian workers, including the International Labour Organisation and the International Trade Union Confederation.

Australian unions are also active players in the global union movement, joining international campaigns and solidarity actions on a regular basis.

In this section, you will find statements by the ACTU on international issues, details of current international campaigns, and news from around the world.

Recent International Campaigns & Issues

ACTU condemns latest wave of union repression in the Philippines

November 7, 2019

The ACTU condemns the latest wave of repression of trade unionists in the Philippines.

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The ACTU condemns Turkey’s invasion of Rojava

October 17, 2019

We call on President Erdogan to stop Turkey’s invasion of Rojava and immediately withdraw its forces, and we call on the Australian government to condemn Turkey’s invasion and demand an immediate cessation of the hostilities.

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Solidarity with West Papua

September 16, 2019

Solidarity with the people of West Papua

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Letter to the Foreign Minister re: Labour Rights in the Fiji Sugar sector

January 28, 2015

Letter to the Foreign Minister re: Labour Rights in the Fiji Sugar sector

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L20 Priority Recommendations for the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting, 20-21 September 2014

November 11, 2014

The L20 has called for the Brisbane Action Plan to put in place comprehensive measures to “support aggregate demand and reduce inequality” as committed to in 2013, and ensure policy coherence through coordination processes at national and G20 levels.

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Ged Kearney: ALP should implement its policy against Investor rights to sue governments

September 23, 2014

The Labor Party should accept the advice of its own MPs and oppose Investor-State Dispute Settlement in the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, or any trade agreement, says ACTU President Ged Kearney.

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L20 Update: Taskforce on Employment meeting

July 25, 2014

L20 spoke out for pro-growth strategies to ensure jobs and inclusive growth at the G20 Taskforce on Employment meeting (22 – 24 July 2014, Brisbane, Australia)

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Masters in Labour and Development

July 11, 2014

The Global Labour University (GLU) invites trade unionists and labour activists to apply to its Masters in ‘Labour and Development’ at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg ,South Africa.

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Take action to support a strong Protocol to the ILO Forced Labour Convention

May 12, 2014

In 2000, forced labour and human trafficking became the world’s third biggest crime business, following…

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ACTU expresses sorrow at death of Bob Crow

March 19, 2014

The following is the text of a message of condolence sent by the ACTU to the British Trades Union Congress following the sudden death of RMT General Secretary Bob Crow.

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The ACTU Network

Australian Unions

Whether you want to join a union, take action in campaigns, or make the most of the benefits of being a union member, Australian Unions is the place to go for information and resources.
Visit Australian Unions

Mind Your Head

We’re taking action to protect workplace mental health.
Visit Mind Your Head


Your rights at work for students and for people entering the workforce for the first time.
Visit Worksite


Information and resources for health and safety representatives and workers about how to speak up at work for health and safety.
Visit OHS

Union Aid Abroad

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is the overseas aid and development agency of the ACTU. Our work aims to build self-reliance through support to educational and training projects for workers and their organisations in the developing world.
Visit Union Aid Abroad

ACTU National Union Directory

Find who you are looking for from the who’s who of the union movement.
Visit the ACTU National Union Dictionary

Representing Australian workers and their families.