Media Releases 2008

Read current and past media statements from the ACTU.

You can also keep track of ACTU media releases by following the official ACTU feed on Twitter at @unionsaustralia.

All ACTU media enquiries should be directed to ACTU Media team:

T: 03 9664 7315 (24 hours)

Recent Media Releases

Workers to sue their boss for denying them rights to genuine collective bargaining

September 8, 2008

Workers at a major Victorian truck parts making plant are suing their employer for refusing…

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Australian leadership remains crucial to global climate change solution

September 5, 2008

The latest recommendation by Professor Ross Garnaut for a softer start to a carbon trading…

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Unions seek protection for truckies, cleaners, security guards, tradesmen

September 5, 2008

People employed under independent contracting arrangements need to have the same protections as the rest…

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Give Telstra workers the democratic right to negotiate a collective agreement, say unions

August 28, 2008

Telstra workers should be given the choice to have their unions negotiate a collective agreement…

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Equal Pay Day 2008: Australian women still treated as cheap labour

August 27, 2008

“Almost 40 years have passed since it became unlawful to pay women less than their…

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Increased TAFE funding welcome, but higher fees will dampen demand for training, say unions

August 26, 2008

Unions have today welcomed the announcement of increased funding for the Victorian vocational education and…

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IR Ministers need to deliver new laws that restore workers’ collective bargaining rights

August 22, 2008

The Rudd Labor Government must move quickly to scrap the rest of Work Choices and…

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Roy Morgan sackings highlight weakness of current unfair dismissal protection

August 22, 2008

The sudden sackings of almost 60 young workers by market researcher Roy Morgan has turned…

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Employers are taking advantage of restrictions on union entry to cut rights at work

July 29, 2008

Unions have called for workers’ rights to meet with union officials to be strengthened following…

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Time for wake up call on sexual harassment

July 22, 2008

The ACTU has backed the Sex Discrimination Commissioner’s national plan to tackle gender inequality in…

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The ACTU Network

Australian Unions

Whether you want to join a union, take action in campaigns, or make the most of the benefits of being a union member, Australian Unions is the place to go for information and resources.
Visit Australian Unions

Mind Your Head

We’re taking action to protect workplace mental health.
Visit Mind Your Head


Your rights at work for students and for people entering the workforce for the first time.
Visit Worksite


Information and resources for health and safety representatives and workers about how to speak up at work for health and safety.
Visit OHS

Union Aid Abroad

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is the overseas aid and development agency of the ACTU. Our work aims to build self-reliance through support to educational and training projects for workers and their organisations in the developing world.
Visit Union Aid Abroad

ACTU National Union Directory

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Visit the ACTU National Union Dictionary

Representing Australian workers and their families.