Media Releases

Read current and past media statements from the ACTU.

You can also keep track of ACTU media releases by following the official ACTU feed on Twitter at @unionsaustralia.

All ACTU media enquiries should be directed to ACTU Media team:

T: 03 9664 7315 (24 hours)

Recent Media Releases

Passport to progress: A better, fairer approach to migration

April 27, 2023

The ACTU welcomes the reforms of the migration system outlined by Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil today.

In our submissions to the Review of Australia’s Migration System, the ACTU called for a shift away from short-term visas back towards permanent migration; to integrate migration with our skills and workforce planning systems; to engineer exploitation out of the system; and for a tripartite system that engages employers and unions in line with international best practice.

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ACTU 7% wage claim strengthened by new research

April 27, 2023

The ACTU has reaffirmed its call for the Fair Work Commission to raise minimum and award wages
by 7% in its reply submission to the Annual Wage Review filed this week

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Rana Plaza 10 years on: The human cost of fashion

April 24, 2023

On April 24 2013, the eight-storey Rana Plaza building housing 5 garment factories in Dhaka, Bangladesh, collapsed, crushing 1134 workers to death and injuring more than 2500.

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Calls intensify for ban on lethal engineered stone

April 20, 2023

In submissions to Safe Work Australia made public today, unions, along with medical professionals and health and safety experts, have amplified their call for a full ban on all engineered stone products that contain deadly silica.

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Reserve Bank review heads in the right direction

April 20, 2023

The ACTU welcomes the review of the Reserve Bank of Australia, which calls for it to have a stronger focus on its full employment goal, and the need to have labour market expertise on its board.

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Prioritising removal of asbestos still needed to tackle mesothelioma

April 4, 2023

The latest Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report into mesothelioma was released today.

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Restoring balance begins at Fair Work Commission

March 31, 2023

The ACTU welcomes the appointment of five new commissioners to the Fair Work Commission, a first step in rebalancing the Commission.

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ACTU calls for 7% increase to minimum wages

March 30, 2023

The ACTU announced today it will seek a 7% increase for Australia’s minimum and award wages as part of its submission to the Annual Wage Review.

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Federal Budget must deliver National Energy Transition Authority, says ACTU

March 28, 2023

In a speech at the National Press Club today, ACTU President Michele O’Neil says a National Energy Transition Authority (NETA) is the missing piece in Australia’s climate and energy policy, and must be delivered in the May budget.

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2023-24 Federal Budget could shape Australia’s future in the global energy transition

March 15, 2023

The Business Council of Australia, Australian Council of Trade Unions, World Wide Fund for Nature-Australia and the Australian Conservation Foundation are re-joining forces to represent Australian businesses, workers, and our environment in a joint submission to the 2023-24 Federal Budget.

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The ACTU Network

Australian Unions

Whether you want to join a union, take action in campaigns, or make the most of the benefits of being a union member, Australian Unions is the place to go for information and resources.
Visit Australian Unions

Mind Your Head

We’re taking action to protect workplace mental health.
Visit Mind Your Head


Your rights at work for students and for people entering the workforce for the first time.
Visit Worksite


Information and resources for health and safety representatives and workers about how to speak up at work for health and safety.
Visit OHS

Union Aid Abroad

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is the overseas aid and development agency of the ACTU. Our work aims to build self-reliance through support to educational and training projects for workers and their organisations in the developing world.
Visit Union Aid Abroad

ACTU National Union Directory

Find who you are looking for from the who’s who of the union movement.
Visit the ACTU National Union Dictionary
Australian Council of Trade Unions

Representing Australian workers and their families.