Compulsory superannuation achieved by unions in the 1980s has been the single most important factor mitigating wealth inequality in Australia in the past 15 years. The ACTU and the AI Group are strongly supporting the Super Cadets program that is being coordinated by the Conference of Major Super Funds (CMSF).
The objectives of Super Cadets are to:
the not for profit sector; and
The cadetship includes 38 weeks working with an industry or public sector fund; 4 weeks off the job training and a 6 week placement with an employer or union. It is intended that cadets receive ongoing employment at the conclusion of the cadetship.
We are looking to unions to:
delegates that have an interest in superannuation.
newsletters and online communications.
the placement is for the cadet to learn about the union, members and workplaces
relevant to their fund.
Subject to interest from funds and suitable candidates, Super Cadets will be operating nationally. It is anticipated that the majority of Cadets will be based in Melbourne.
Attached below is a job advertisement for Super Cadets.
For more information please contact David Whiteley of the ACTU on 1300 368 656.