The ACTU’s Worksite for Schools website is currently running a national competition for school, TAFE and RTO students – What’s The Best Thing Unions Could Do For Young People Today?
Students have the opportunity to win up to $200. To enter, students must tell us in 300 words or less what they think is best thing that a union could do for them. Selected entries will be published on Worksite. Competition forms are available to download from the website.
The competition will not only give students a chance to win, it’s a great way for them to learn about unions and the workforce.
Worksite receives over 1500 page visits a day during school term, establishing itself as the number one resource for Australian students about the world of work. Worksite provides statistics, encourages debate, creativity and analysis. The site has the backing of Australian business, educators and unions.
The competition closes Wednesday 4th December 2002 so get on-line at Worksite for Schools and up-to-date with the changing world of work!