Too many Australians are failing to enjoy ‘decent work’ because of precarious employment and undermining of their rights by employers.
On World Day for Decent Work today, Australian unions restate their pledge to remain vigilant to ensure that decent work standards are maintained and spread both at home and internationally.
This includes campaigning for decent work to be delivered to all sections of the Australian economy and workforce, including newly-arrived migrant workers and outworkers.
The Decent Work Agenda is a global campaign to promote jobs that are productive, deliver a fair income, security and equality, social protection, and rights at work.
It is acknowledged in the Millennium Development Goals as essential to lifting millions of people around the world out of poverty.
“For many Australians, their job is satisfying, and provides economic security, they have the opportunity to use their skills to the fullest, and they are treated with respect at work,” said ACTU President Ged Kearney.
“But there are still areas of the workforce where this is not the case, and Australian unions will campaign to ensure that decent work is delivered for all.
“Earlier this week, I released a major report into precarious employment in Australia that showed that working families are being exposed to greater financial risk by a business push to drive down costs and maximise profits through the use of casual, part-time and contract work.
“Outworkers, migrant workers and employees of labour hire companies are at the frontline of these pressures.
“This report was a wake-up call about decent work that workers and families deserve more secure jobs and less financial pressure.
“Australia also has a role to play in supporting our Pacific Island neighbours to promote decent work by reforming labour law and rights, strengthening social protections and promoting skill development and employment opportunities, including through the seasonal worker program in the Australian horticultural industry.” She said.