Re: Independent Review into ACT’s Work Safety Compliance and Enforcement Framework

The ACTU welcomes this independent review into the ACT’s WHS enforcement and compliance framework. The ACTU writes to support and endorse the content of the submission of UnionsACT and the recommendations therein, in particular:

  1. The creation of a standalone, specialist, independent and impartial WHS regulator in the ACT that is effective in ensuring compliance with WHS laws
  2. Addressing the current imbalance between the use of education and encouragement at the expense of enforcement activity such as prosecutions;
  3. The maintenance of a permanent tripartite body to advise the Minister on WHS matters; 
  4. The introduction of a right for workers and their unions to commence prosecutions for WHS breaches.

The ACTU recently made a comprehensive submission to the independent Review of Model WHS Laws 2018, which addresses compliance and enforcement matters in detail. A copy can be found here: